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How to improve the processing efficiency of a one piece hanging shot blasting machine?

2023-06-01 09:23:01

The integrated hanging shot blasting machine is a machine that uses a high-speed rotating spray gun to shoot iron shot and other materials into the surface of the workpiece to remove surface oxides and dirt. In industrial production, it is often used for surface treatment in fields such as casting, steel, and automotive manufacturing. However, if the processing effect is poor, it can lead to a decrease in product quality and affect production efficiency. Therefore, this article will discuss how to improve the processing efficiency of a one piece hanging shot blasting machine.

1、 Select suitable shot blasting materials

Shot blasting material is a very important factor in surface treatment of workpieces. Different workpieces require different types and sizes of shot blasting materials. For example, for iron workpieces, use cast iron or steel shot; For softer materials such as copper, it is recommended to use smaller quartz sand and control the spraying pressure to avoid problems such as scratches and dents.

In addition, for some surfaces with higher hardness, harder shot blasting materials such as steel alloys or ceramic materials can be used. Therefore, when selecting shot blasting materials, attention should be paid to the analysis and selection of different types of workpieces to improve processing efficiency.

2、 Optimize the processing process

During the processing, operators also need to adjust and optimize some parameters reasonably to ensure the effectiveness of shot blasting. Specifically, it includes the following aspects:

1. Control of injection speed. The spraying speed is one of the main factors affecting the shot blasting effect. To control the spraying speed, it is necessary to use different spraying pressures or feed rates for different workpieces to ensure that surface treatment achieves good results during the machining process.

2. Selection of spray angle. The spraying angle directly affects the area and depth of the spraying area. When selecting the spraying angle, it is necessary to consider factors such as the shape, size, and processing area of the workpiece, and ensure that the spraying angle is consistent with the angle set by the machine.

3. Setting of cycle time. The setting of the cycle time will affect the timing and continuity of the injection. During the processing, it is necessary to arrange the cycle time reasonably according to the size of the workpiece and the surface treatment needs, and regularly check the spraying effect of the shot blasting machine to improve the processing effect.

3、 Maintenance and upkeep of shot blasting machine

The integrated hanging shot blasting machine is a high load and high-strength mechanical equipment, therefore, maintenance and upkeep are required during use to ensure the stability and long-term service life of the machine.

When carrying out maintenance, the following points need to be achieved:

1. Keep the machine clean and hygienic. After each use, it is necessary to clean the machine to avoid impurities such as iron pellets accumulating and blocking the machine. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure that the environment around the machine is clean and tidy, and to prevent dust and other objects from entering the interior of the machine.

2. At regular intervals, it is necessary to inspect mechanical equipment components such as injectors, feed funnels, and rotors to ensure their good condition. At the same time, necessary lubrication and refueling should be carried out before use to extend the service life of the machine.

3. Regular maintenance and repair. Regular maintenance plans should be developed based on the age and usage of the machine, and necessary repairs and replacements should be carried out to ensure the stability and safety of the machine's operation.

In summary, improving the processing efficiency of a one piece hanging shot blasting machine requires selecting suitable shot blasting materials, optimizing the processing process, and maintaining the machine. Only by continuously improving one's own processing operations can the efficiency of the machine be better improved.


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